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2021.2 PLAYFUL DSG Guided by Claudia Weber
Members Laura Siqueira, Lucas Freitas,
Matias Pegasano and Stella Sendai
The proposal was to adapt Batalha Naval , in order to not only insert it into another narrative, outside the space of wars and ships, but to add elements that would make the experience differentiated and dynamic, elements, these relating both to the graphic design, which it involves user experience with the pieces as well as the game mechanics themselves.
Focus on pre-teens to young adults with the aim of developing social relationships and strategy with mafia and espionage as themes.
cover developed by the group
The game's storytelling would become about the Italian Mafia, adopting the name “ FINALE ”. The armies would be replaced by two rival crime families vying for power in Italy. The pins would be exchanged for metal projectiles and each round a die would be used that dictates what the players should do.
Common versions of the Battleship game use pins, these in turn are very easy to lose, they can even create wear on the board material, so the board would be covered with a magnet blanket, which would eliminate the need to use pins and which would ensure that the metal parts were properly secured.
3D mock - ups
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